Mini Fan from France

  • Hello all of you German Mini Fans,

    Let me introduce myself.
    My name is Vincent, I live in South of France near Cannes on the french riviera. I'm 31 years old and a big fan of Minis for years, despite the fact that I never own one...

    Since half a year now, I decided to make my dream come true.
    That's why I'm here.
    The model I'm looking for were only made for the German market (lucky guys :)) I'm of course talking of the Silverbullet or the Silverstone.

    I already tried to contact German seller through or but no answer at all...:(

    I hope you can help me.
    By the way I've never baught a car abroad so any advice/help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Vincent for the Riviera

  • Hi Vincent,

    Welcome to the Mini-Forum.

    May I give you one advice, search for a Mini in France. Minis in Southern France have less problems with rust than Minis driven in Germany. The climate in Southern France is more convenient for the Mini.

    When you have found your Dream-Mini, you should invest into a hollow-space conservation.

    Good Luck.


  • Make a Trip to some dealers.;)

    1. Agay (Golf Courses in direction Agay) . (Alternative: Corniche d Esterel) There is a British Car Specialist.

    2. Port Grimaud - you cannot miss it.

    3. Gassin - Route des Plages

    Good Luck!

  • Hi Guys,
    Thank you for your answer.*
    I already tried all close dealers, but with no sucess.
    Here the prices are just crazy! Even with used cars sold by non-professional.

    Mike, regarding rust, it depends of the owner. Here cars are mostly stored outside. You may imagine the result on a Mini.

    Here you'll find a Mini that match to what I 'm looking for:
    Unfortunately the seller did not answer to my messages.

    Thank you for yor help.


    Ps: thank you for letting me post in English
    I could try in German, but it will be close to Google translate.

  • hi vincent!

    when you offer a car at mobile or autoscout - the result is very very often a buy-offer mail from the UK or somewhere else.

    It is an open secret in this country - " don´t make some business with guys like these ". There was too much trouble in the past. so this is perhaps the reason , why the seller from "kleinanzeigen" did not answer to your message.... - make a call to him - but the car need bodywork.

    cordialement de berlin


  • Hi Torino,

    Thanks for your answer
    That's exactly what I think about.
    I understand that seller are a bit scared about buy-offer in English, but unfortunately my German is far away so I prefer a well written English offer than a bad German Google Translate one.
    Just to give you an idea of the feedback, only 1 answer on 20 buy-offer!!!
    Maybe I should try in German.

    I wish I would found one soon...

    Regards from the Riviera

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