0.3 amps restcurrent is to much , in 10 hours you are loosing 3 amps, in about 50 hours your battery is so flat that you will have start problems , I have had same problem and after sorting the problem I came up with water in the windowwiper , these have a mechanism and a seperate contact to return to the lower stop position, this contact was filled with water and the cause of the loss in current . other possibility is water in the doorcontacts from the inside light , and last possibility is water in the alarmsystem . you should look for water and corosion in electric subjects that are connected to the battery straight away ? I hope you understand some English , because I can read german but not write it , so sorry about that , Hoope I have given you some help . Viel Gruss , MINIMASSY, 58 years young and 40 years driving Mini's , what about you ??? you can mail me on benjaminmassy@hotmail.com if you have more problems with your Mini ( only Classic MINI's .... NO BMW !!!!!!! )