Orders Closed For This Round Now, Sorry
Beiträge von Racing Green
email received Michael, thanks
Mein PN-box is 100% full now and I leave it that way, since my email adress is mentioned in the first post.
Name-orderlist to come tonight.
Racing Green:
Ich hoffe bis Morgen ist klar was der VERSICHERTE VERSAND KOSTET?
Und wieviele Minis in ein Paket gehen?
ArickGenau Arick, thanks for reminding me (and many thanks for the helpfull conversation earlier this evening!).
I have to make this more clear, the 4€ is for standard postage with no tracking or insurance facilities.Postage with insurance is 7€. Some of you opted for the insurance option, which I prefer by the way. For everyone that has not done so, but still wants insurance, that is no problem, just make sure you pay the extra 3€ the same way as the previous amount. Sorry for this extra trouble but insurance may be wise in case there's loss or damage, as I do not have a margin to cover all these if anything would go wrong.
@ all: still I see members putting orders by pn or in this thread, please, read point 4 of the order procedure again:
Zitat4. Mail your forum name, the complete adress of destination, and the amount to vanreusel.bart@gmail.com , with subject “USB-stick" + your forumname. Within a day you'll receive confirmation, and you'll be informed when the package has been send out.
So if I didn't get an email from you, I may miss your order, even if you had posted it over here, by pn, just by bank transfer, to the wrong hotmail adress or any other way. Trust me, I've seen it all, but the gmail-adress is the place to be !
You've still got 24 hours time (wednesday 23:59)
Email gefunden Brian, du hast den falschen (hotmail) email-adresse erwendet..gmail war den richtigen. Paypal gestern gecheckt, heute noch nicht, moment moment
aaarg the excell file is scrambled..new list comming up
ignore the list above. new one's coming.
@ brummy: I did get your email. I didn't come to answer ever email seperately as intended, but here's the list from all I got emails from, with the order. If you're not on the list but have sent me an email, or if your order is not correct, please let me know (by email
Farben sind auf Niederländish:
rode = roten, zwarte = schwarzen, witte = weisse, groene = grüne
mit = mit bonnet stripes, zonder = ohne bonnet stripes.hoko:1 rode mit, 4G
brummy 1 groene mit, 4G + 1 rode mit, 4G
nils clasen 1 zwarte ohne, 4G
Thor 1 witte ohne, 4G
mini35 ?
MiniFan07 1 rode Union Jack, 4G
mitch ?
J&A 1 witte ohne, 8G + 1 zwarte ohne, 8G
dreggsagg 1 witte mit, 4G + 1 zwarte ohne, 4G
Miniskus mehrere, sehe emails
Minibean 1 rode ohne, 8G + 1 rode Union Jack, 8G
Mini-ac 2 zwarte mit, 4G
Do(mini)k 2 rode mit, 8G
DarkMoonWolf (IMMCC) 1 groene mit, 4G + 1 witte mit, 8G + 1 zwarte ohne, 8G
Spider-coupe 1 groene mit, 4G + 1 zwarte mit, 4G + 1 rode Union Jack, 2G
shorty 1 rode ohne, 4G + 1 zwarte ohne, 4G + 1 zwarte mit, 4G
Asphalt 1 zwarte ohne, 8G
magicminidriver 1 rode Union Jack, 4G + 1 witte mit, 4G
statech 1 zwarte mit, 8G
Ellen 1 groene ohne, 4G + 1 groene mit, 4G
puckip 1 groene mit, 4G + 1 rode mit, 4G
Ellen 1 rode mit, 4G
kleiner MINI 1 groene mit, 8G
campino89 (IMMCC) ?
General Lee 1 witte mit, 4G + 1 zwarte ohne, 4G
Chris 1 rode mit, 4G + 1 witte mit, 4G -
As I'm having second and third looks at postal options from both Germany (together with Miniskus) and Belgium, I'll answer the insurance questions by pn next week.
@ all: I've received many emails by now and didn't come to answer them all yet, but some of the members posted orders in this topic without sending an email. Please note, the email is essential for the order.
I hope to get the individual payment statuses listed before wednesday.
Concerning the payments, here's a more flexible sugestion: all of those that confirm having done the payment transaction by wednesday evening at latest, either by Paypal or bank account, are assured of their order, unregardless if the payment has reached me or not. I trust you on this although the stick will not be sent to your adress as long as there's no sign of payment on the receiving side, of course.
Concerning postage, I'll have another talk with our post office to check tracking possibilities, as list time I checked postage from Belgium seemed more expensive then I thought it would be. More info tomorrow, also about postage to Switserland and England.
Sorry after all this months it's such a rush all of a sudden, but now they're available it shouldn't take too long anymore to settle all this. The longer we wait, the more chance they'll be out of stock again for a while, and we know how long a while can take over there ? I agree the deadline for payment was set too short and hope the method above will be more likely to be reached without stress for everybody. If it's a problem for any members over here to get the payment done within this period, please send me a pm.
Thanks a lot to DarkMoonWolf for the translation ! I didn't realise editing wasn't possible after 15 minutes.
Also, jetzt ist es nicht lange mehr ;-). Info in English, weil es ist mir zuviel zum ubersetzen , aber info komt hoffentlich morgen auf Deutsch.
(from the topic: https://www.mini-forum.de/mini-discussio…tick-46506.html)
As talked about before, these long awaited sticks can be in your posession at the end of this month. They're 1:48 scale, the wheels turn, and an usb-stick comes out of the trunk. The stick can be plugged directly into your computer, or with a short cable that comes with it, the lights flash on when plugged in.
The mini's come with minilites "as standard", the red version was a prototype.Available sizes: 1 Gigabyte, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB.
Available colours:
- red, green, black (all with white roof) and white (with black roof). Any of these available with or wihtout bonnet stripes.
- red with bonnet stripes and Union Jack roof.Later on, the police version and rally version will become available, time unknown but don't count on these for this year..
Blue is totally cancelled unfortunately, and will probably never be produced.
Wrapping: This is one of the main reasons for being so late, as it was awaiting approval from BMW. It's an open black box that shows the model itsself on a Union Jack background.
1GB: 15,5 euro
2GB: 16 euro
4GB: 18 euro
8GB: 24 euroThis means, for the 4GB price has fallen (just a little), the 1GB and 2GB became more expensive, and the 8GB didn't have a pricetag before.
Avoid postage:
Those comming to the IMM can pick up their models personally from me there.
But even then, prepayment is necessary.Dellivery time: First or second week of july in your letterbox. As I expect to go to Germany end of this month/beginning next month, and will post there, as postage from Belgium is too expensive (unless it's unregistered post, wich I can do at buyers' risk).
Some of you have helped me with the order list untill now, and I put some hours in it myself. But to avoid confusion, beceause colour availability has changed as well as capacity, please put your order here again. Mentioning wanted colour(s), with or without bonet stripes, and capacity. I'll refresh the list in the first in this post daily.
Order steps:
1. Make a post as mentioned above, with amounts and capacity.
2. Calculate total price of your order, using the stick price above, and the postage price of 4€. (can someone confirm if 3,9€ this is postage price for packets <2kg within Germany please, and if these come with tracking possibilities ?). When collecting at the IMM no postage costs are involved.
3. Send the amount to:
IBAN: BE05 7011 1207 9075
Bank: Axa Bank Antwerpen
Account holder: Bart VanreuselWith mention of your forum name !!
[if someone needs my adress to do so, please send a PM]
OR!! Use Paypal for quick money transfer, to vanreuselbart@hotmail.com. Paypal costs are then 3,4% + 0,35. Don't forget to mentio your forumname.
4. Mail your forum name, the complete adress of destination, and the amount to vanreusel.bart@gmail.com , with subject “USB-stick" + your forumname. Within a day you'll receive confirmation, and you'll be informed when the package has been send out.
One more thing: I'll make the first big order next thursday, which means all orders paid for this wednesday the 17th of june, at 23:59, will be handled for this first big order. Orders paid for later, will have to wait for a next big order, which may take another month, or longer, depending on demand. So don't hesitate too long if you want them quick please !!
The current order list looks like this:
If someone would do the effort to translate this into German, I would edit this post. But post here you would do the translating then, to avoid double work by several members. Vielen Dank
Sorry if this system is a bit complex, but I can't think of easier ways to handle it..
Yeah I'm the pick-up guy indeed. If you have pics of these new t-shirts I'll put them on http://www.minipickup.org.
btw I can provide some more new mini clubs but I have a feeling you can do with the ones allready given lol
Here's your Schelm
Let me know which Belgian clubs you can't reach anymore and I'll try to provide you their current email + site
Here's a short list allready
Mini Cooper Register http://www.minicooper.org
Mini Federclub Italia http://www.federclubmini.it
Mini Planète http://www.miniplanete.com
Limburgse Mini Club http://www.miniclublimburg.be
Mini Fun Club Belgium http://www.minifunclub.be
Belgian Minis on Tour http://www.belgianminisontour.be
Mini Cooper Club West Vlaanderen http://www.minicooperclubwest-vl.be
Club Nouvelle Mini http://www.club-nouvelle-mini.com
Mini Around The World http://www.minisaroundtheworld.be
Mokes Around The World http://www.mokesaroundtheworld.be (sehr wichtig, that's us)
Mini Owners Club http://www.mocb.netI think we were on the same camsite as yours the day after IMM in Denmark BTW, 2 mokes and a Monte Caro mini from Belgium.
The T-shirts still fit -
Well, about the colours, right now the information goes as red, green, black and white, all with white roof exept for the white one with black roof, with or without bonnet stripes, are available from the beginning, as is the red one with bonnet stripes and union jack version. All in 1, 2, 4 or 8GB.
The police- and rally-version are expected later on, delay not known, blue is not released yet, and chances it will never be are not unrealistic.
That's correct, since intrest might have changed, as well as available colours and so on. The procedure will be clearified this week am mitwoch probably.
Die beiden unten links waren auch schon auf dem Stilfsjoch.
It wasn't untill I saw the height of that, I realised this is how you call the Passo di Stelvoi, or the Stelviopas. We've experienced that one on the road to the IMM in Italy with 40-something mini's, mokes etc. comming from Holland and Belgium. -
Maybe the statement was not clear, the stick comes with an extra cable loose in the box, but the stick works perfectly without the cable. Only in case when connecting the stick to the computer would be inpossible due to a lack of space, with the opening tailgate and the other connections as mentioned above, the cable would be the solution. I don't have a laptop but on my computer the samples work perfectly without the extra cable.
Mid next week the complete order-procedure will be posted, including bank account nrs, Paypall account as well as the updated prices (pretty much unchanged for the 4GB, the 1GB and 2GB being a bit more expensive then before, and the 8GB also available now.
I can confirm blue will not be produced for now, and possible never. Rally- and Police-version to follow later on, date unknown. And the sticks come with a 4cm cable now.
Ich würde sagen, daß die Bestellung in den Händen desjenigen bleibt, der sich damals hier im Thread schon entsprechend engagiert hatte.
Are you talking to me ?Ich wollte abwarten das die packungen "licensed" werden bei BMW, aber es dauert mir zu lange, und jetzt ist auch eine kleine (medium) probe-lieferung unterwegs. Die qualität werdet kein problehm sein wenn ich miniwilli so anhore, und ich kenne auch jemand wem shon die capacität testet. Weil die lieferung von erscheidene farben ein problehm werden kann habe ich shon eine andere Scenario im Kopf, dieses wochenende mehr dr¨uber wenn die sendung rein ist.
Wenns okay ist mache ich diese beitrage auf English (wieleicht kan jemand es dann erzahlen ?) :
Miniwilli said only red with white bonnet stripes, and red with union jack roof would be available in the beginning, then every quarter another colour would be available, green would be next.
This prefectly refflects the bad communication between vavolo and myself, who offered to organise the whole buy. I was told only blue wouldn't be produced, but all the others would be available "shortly". As for now, they are still waiting for approval of the packaging, and that would be the last phase. The union jack roof would initially be available on the red version only.
The minimum order quantity of 500 was only mentioned at the end, I got quotes in ther beginning for 50-100 pieces etc. but 500 isn't nearly as much as ordered on this board, it was a total of less then half of that.
I'm still having contact with Vavolo a regular base and hope this never ending story will have a happy ending this month 'cause I'm getting tired of it myself. Come on Hong Kong guys, don't let us minifreaks down !