Beiträge von Racing Green

    Well it seems I was patient enough to handle the gift packs, with big help from my girlfriend:

    For the guys who'll meet me at the IMM, we will be camping on the "GO-4-IT field". Lots of Dutch mini's and probably just 2 Belgian mini's: a red MPI from my friend, and a red monte carlo (HXC-634) or white 1000 (YDK-666) from myself. Belgian plates, can't miss. Not sure which one it'll be. If you can't find me, ask Wouter with the grey minilimo, he knows me and will probably know where I'm camping.

    Heute angekommen..

    First impression: 1G, 2G, 4G and 8G were scrambled |:(

    Second thought: putting together the gift packs..takes long time. One or 2 is okay but not a whole table LOL and take the mini's out of the bags and into the box. Don't think I'll be patient enough to do all these, would be insane really. So prepare to do it yourself guys :)

    I didn't send out any yet, you've got another source or are you just kidding :)

    About the big delivery at my door, the tracking status is as follows:

    "Estimated delivery Jul 17, 2009 by 12:00 PM

    Assumes no delay to final delivery."

    That's tomorrow ! Just have to make sure someone's at home.

    Hello Torsten / Hummel75

    I've found yours and dannycoopers' emails in the spam-map now, normally I never check that one but it seems I should. I will do my best to get your order added, as you completeted the order procedure allright as you say. The money will come in next week, no worries there. I'm sorry about this, I blame the spamfilter and myself for not checking that.

    2 forums you say..make it 4 (with orders, and some more just for minifun). If they order from Japan now, I might sell them too cheap :D. Orders are closed unfortunately, there's a tiny chance for an extra order monday morning (also for the unfortunate guys mentioned above on this page) but not guaranteed. Concerning pn:

    No pm/pn, as my inbox is 100% full and I leave it that way, because
    - I need the info in it
    - pn's were not part of the order procedure
    - there's way too much sources and ways I get contacted allready
    - I don't get used to the PN-way on this board :D

    About the orderlist above, if you feel there's an error for your order, please send me an email at

    hoko 1 rote mit, 4G
    brummy 1 grüne mit, 4G
    1 rote mit, 4G
    nils clasen1 schwarze ohne, 4G
    Thor 1 weiße ohne, 4G
    mini35 1 weiße mit, 4G
    1 schwarze mit, 4G
    MiniFan071 rote Union Jack, 4G
    mitch 1 schwarze mit, 4G
    J&A 1 weiße ohne, 8G
    1 schwarze ohne, 8G
    dreggsagg1 weiße mit, 4G
    1 schwarze ohne, 4G
    Minibean 1 rote ohne, 8G
    1 rote Union Jack, 8G
    Mini-ac 2 schwarze mit, 4G (?)
    Do(mini)k 2 rote mit, 8G
    DarkMoonWolf (IMMCC)1 grüne mit, 4G
    1 weiße mit,4G
    1 schwarze ohne, 8G
    Spider-coupe1 grüne mit, 4G
    1 schwarze mit, 4G
    1 rote Union Jack, 2G
    shorty 1 rote ohne, 4G
    1 schwarze ohne, 4G
    1 weiße mit, 4G
    Asphalt 1 schwarze ohne, 4G

    magicminidriver 2 rote Union Jack, 4G
    statech 1 schwarze mit, 8G
    Ellen 1 grüne ohne, 4G
    1 grüne mit, 4G
    puckip 1 grüne mit, 4G
    1 rote mit, 4G
    "Patrick Heichel"1 rote mit, 4G
    kleiner MINI 1 grüne mit, 8G
    campino89 (IMMCC) 1 ... 4G
    General Lee 1 weiße mit, 4G
    1 schwarze ohne, 4G
    Chris 1 rote Union Jack, 4G
    1 weiße mit, 4G
    Matzze.1 1 grüne ohne, 4G
    Keziah 1 weiße mit, 4G
    1 schwarze mit, 4G
    Linsi 1 grüne mit, 8G
    howlowcanyougo 1 rote ohne, 8G
    alexmadhat 1 weiße mit, 4G
    1 schwarze mit, 4G
    Miniskus 1 grüne ohne, 8G
    2 rote mit, 8G
    1 rote mit, 4G
    1 schwarze mit, 8G
    1 grüne mit, 8G
    1 weiße mit, 8G
    RADIATOR 1 rote mit, 4G
    BrianJones71 1 grüne ohne, 8G
    mini970 1 weiße mit, 4G..

    @ all who've missed: there's still 2GB in all collours available for this round, with or without stripes (only not the union jack version), for 18€.

    1 mal die nr.2 und einmal die nr.5. jeweils 4GB

    1 Stk. Nr. 6 in 4GB, grün mit Streifen für mich, bitte.

    1 Stk. Nr. 6 in 4GB, grün mit Streifen für mich, bitte.

    I´ll get two stick please

    Ob unsere Bestellung samt Frage nun angekommen ist (Hummel75)

    1x Nr.2 (8GB): 24 Euro
    Versand: 4,- Euro
    Gesamt: 28,- EUR

    I don't think I got emails or payment of you guys, so no sticks were ordered, sorry.
    If an email or payment was sent, please let me know by email on what date.

    how much is the shipping to Switzerland?

    Shipping to Switserland and Austria will be confirmed after offering the packages to the post office, as this depends on how small they end up. I allready had payment in from Austria although postage wasn't given yet, those payments may be underpaid.

    Da ist mal mal kurz im Urlaub und dann is schon alles gelaufen...:scream:

    Sorry to hear minigramm, options emaild.

    Also, the ones on the earlier lists that didn't catch up with this new thread, will be pn'ed then (not now, now it's too late). Let's first see if this works out just fine and if there's still energy and time after that :D

    The mini's were ordered last night, after closure time of this order possibility. The order was based on the emails comming in at the gmail-adress mentioned in the first post. Strictly for paid orders was too short in time, so I'm counting for the payments to have been done by now, and reach me by mid next week or so.

    If you didn't send an email (like Katja), you're not on the list I'm affraid. Will post the orderlist but I've promised my girlfriend not to hang on the computer so long for so many days in a row :D so that's something for the weekend. And surely not until 1AM lol

    If you didn't get this round, there might be another opportunity later on.
    I've got 2G sticks at home right now in any colour, with or without stripes, only not the union jack version. These were from a smaller order and can still be ordered by sending an email before the end of june, AND as long stock lasts (only 1 upto 3 for every colour in stock). Price is slightly higher at 18€ for 2G. They will be sent together with the uncomming ones, not before. Postage also 4€ standard or 7€ insured.