Well, they got posted indeed, for these members:
hoko, brummy, nils clasen, thor, mini35, minifan07, mitch, J&A, dreggsagg, minibean, mini-ac, do(mini)k, darkmoonwolf, spider-coupe, shorty, asphalt, magicminidriver, statech, ellen, puckip, kleiner mini, general lee, chris, matzze.1, keziah, howlowcanyougo, alexmadhat, radiator, hummel75 and miniskus.
no sticks (sorry) but emails send, concerning uncomplete adresses or for other reasons that kept me from posting (not especially their mistake), to: caitriona, minigramm, campino89, Linsi, mini970.
Also no sticks send to Patrick Heichel, BrianJones71 und Dannycooper, can you send me an email to communicate about your order plese ?vanreusel.bart@gmail.com please ?
If anyone was expecting to find himself on the list but he's not, please contact me at vanreusel.bart@gmail.com
And also, if the stick(s) arrive but there's a mistake in colour or capacity (it was hard work and late hours
), please don't start complaining on the board but contact me at vanreusel.bart@gmail.com so we can see what happened there and what to do about it.
I don't kow how speedy German post works, hopefully tomorrow there's some arriving allready.