Kann jemand diese pick-up scannen bitte ? Oder ein bild machen ?
Edition november 2007 ?
Kann jemand diese pick-up scannen bitte ? Oder ein bild machen ?
Edition november 2007 ?
http://www.m-machine.co.uk/ hast gar alle bodenblechen.
Zitat von FriederBeim IMM 2008 in Assen, Niederlande, wird über die Vergabe des Internationalen Mini-Meetings 2010 entschieden.
Achtung bitte, die IMM2008 werdet statfinden in Lelystad, nicht in Assen.
This Danish company is the only one I know still making these:
Haha good idea. Yes I did have contact with her 'bout a month ago so that info should be in my mailbox somewhere.
You can tell BMW what you think by signing this petition
About a month ago, that company was forced to stop production, to prevent being dragged to the court by BMW beceause of the rights. The (tiny) company has therefore stopped theyr business and no longer sells those wonderfull rugsacks. Thanks again BMW !!
The seller had bought that pick-up just two weeks ago for £150. Curious how much it's going to be sold for.
Ich wars', nicht Ibinsnur
The purple buggy looks a bit like the mini-based Moonbug, the orange one is a Stimson bug. Both are rgistred in Holland.
IMM1994 / 35year mini was my first meeting and I agree no IMM has equalled that level of show-up ever again. Hate to miss one though :p .
Ich gehe in 1 oder 2 monaten welche zu verkaufen haben, 35 uro/st.
So seht meine aus, die zu verkaufen sind, sind transparant.
You're welcome minidriver LOL
Kannst du alle teile finden oder ?
You're welcome
Somerford Minis: Very comprehensive range of panels including lots of pick-up specific panels. Incredibly friendly and helpful company. Highly recomended - http://www.somerford-mini.co.uk
British Motor Heritage (B.M.H.): Manufactures virtually every Mini and variant panel using original tooling equipment - http://www.bmh-ltd.com/index.html
M-Machine (formerly Mini-Machine): Aftermarket (non-genuine) supplier of nearly every panel on a pick-up as well as all the other Mini variants - http://www.m-machine.co.uk/
Nordisk Morris Minor Lager: Although primarily concerned with Morris Minors, this Danish company produce a large range of Mini body panels including the hard-to-find Mini pick-up rear lamp panel - http://www.morrisminor.dk/default.htm
Uroglas: Manufactures of modern quick clear 'fine-wire' heated screens for minis, including the pick-up's rear window - http://www.uroglas.com/trolleyed/index.htm
MiniSport: Parts and panels - http://www.minisport.com/
Mini Spares: Parts and panels - http://www.minispares.com
Moss: Parts and panels - http://www.moss-europe.co.uk/MossUK/
Fibretech GRP Ltd. Company that aparantly used to manufacture a fibreglass pick-up body - http://www.fibretechgrpltd.co.uk/previousprojects.asp
Ah oké ist das ein limo, ich hatte gedacht so eine
In Belgien, Holland, England usw ist ein "normahles" mini ein "mini saloon".
Wo siehst du den Limousine ?
Zitat von Pickup-UweAllzeit gute Fahrt und willkommen im Pickup Club
There's no pick-up club is there ? Just a register / forum, a must for pick-up fahrers ! http://www.minipick-up.com . Spread the word !
p.s. miniHL, love the fact you're using him as an alltags car !
Gestern einige tolle mini's angesehen aus Deutschland, den roten mit extra breite reifen (welche felgen ?) war super, die anderen auch