Beiträge von Vinz_06

    Hi Torino,

    Thanks for your answer
    That's exactly what I think about.
    I understand that seller are a bit scared about buy-offer in English, but unfortunately my German is far away so I prefer a well written English offer than a bad German Google Translate one.
    Just to give you an idea of the feedback, only 1 answer on 20 buy-offer!!!
    Maybe I should try in German.

    I wish I would found one soon...

    Regards from the Riviera

    Hi Guys,
    Thank you for your answer.*
    I already tried all close dealers, but with no sucess.
    Here the prices are just crazy! Even with used cars sold by non-professional.

    Mike, regarding rust, it depends of the owner. Here cars are mostly stored outside. You may imagine the result on a Mini.

    Here you'll find a Mini that match to what I 'm looking for:
    Unfortunately the seller did not answer to my messages.

    Thank you for yor help.


    Ps: thank you for letting me post in English
    I could try in German, but it will be close to Google translate.

    Hello all of you German Mini Fans,

    Let me introduce myself.
    My name is Vincent, I live in South of France near Cannes on the french riviera. I'm 31 years old and a big fan of Minis for years, despite the fact that I never own one...

    Since half a year now, I decided to make my dream come true.
    That's why I'm here.
    The model I'm looking for were only made for the German market (lucky guys :)) I'm of course talking of the Silverbullet or the Silverstone.

    I already tried to contact German seller through or but no answer at all...:(

    I hope you can help me.
    By the way I've never baught a car abroad so any advice/help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Vincent for the Riviera