Racing Green:
an old entry is there again - how nicely!
It is already four years, there we have changed easy little place forms so long, until the form of a Mini-Cooper came out. For the personal use well enough enough. For the sales these were not determined.
And we have also given up the search for special baking dishes.
Many gave tips or promises, besides, out did not come, unfortunately.
But who knows? Soon is again Christmas period, maybe there is meanwhile really a decent cake baking dish?
Also - wir sind leider noch nicht fündig geworden. Es gab (gibt?) nix verwertbares...
Aber, wer weiß? Bald ist wieder Vorweihnachtszeit, vielleicht gibt es ja mittlerweile wirklich eine anständige Kuchenbackform?
... sinan? Wie schaut`s damit denn aus?;):D