Mini laeuft, nachedem cut of offf "

  • Sorry .. I am confused

    „Engine Warm/ hot and ilde at aroundm 12oo rpm whe cold on rpm„

    Vergaser is set a around 1ooo rpm, ( l;eer;luf) but when engine is hot it is gettign higher aropjd 1,5oo

    So first description ok … rpm decreases for hot engine idle (but still a little high .. but ok)

    2nd .. 1500rpm in hot is too high .. thus fundamental error —> where does air come from

    - is throttle really closed -> wire / etc ..

    - worn throttle (but why only hot.. )

    - secondary air from manifold gaskets

    - ..

    15.08.04 On the road again... der "Kleine" :D

  • Es gibt Oktan-Booster (erhöht den Sprit um 2-3 Oktan) oder nach Kanada auswandern. Bei Kälte zündet da nix mehr von selbst. :laughing:

    Tested this?

    Your engine is heavily tuned (1380, high comression ratio,...) for higher revs.

    That means, in lower revs you have a richer mixture. (too rich?)

    With this richer mixture you get a lower idle speed, because it's not willing to explode.

    You problems come up in summer (like last year at the same time)

    If you close your throttle, the mixture in the engine becomes leaner and much more willing to explode

    Under this 'hot' circumstances your engine does not need any spark plugs to ignite the fuel mixture and it can rev up at idle speed by its own.

    And if you want to stop the engine, that's called nachdieseln.

    (maybe there is a secondary air leak, too?)

    So most indications point to a poor fuel.

    Do you hear any 'knocking' caused by self-ignition? Mostly at higher revs.

    Jeremy Clarkson

  • nach vielen hin- und her habe ich gestern ein Oktan Booster beigefuegt nicht die ganze flaschen.

    und sieh da., :> nach einigen Fahrten und hohen Temperaturen( 8o - 85 Grad ) und maschine schoen warm und

    hard gefahren " kein Nachdieseln"

    may be thats it.,

    VielenDank fuer all die Anmerkungen

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