• wo findet man oder Kontakt alles ueber die Innocenti 9o/12o/ Tomaso/ Tomaso Turbo ??

    Any diff webside , or is it here. ??

  • Hi Peter,

    those Inno 90L/120L an De Tomaso variants could be handled here as well if there were any questions by the user.

    A specialized Inno Forum is not known so far.

    Anyway there are only a few Innos left. All the others were sent to death by Lord Rust.

    Gruss Andy
    Mini, you only get what you make of it!!!
    Erfahrung lässt sich nicht "downloaden"!!!!!!!

    "Der Gebildete treibt die Genauigkeit nicht weiter, als es der Natur der Sache entspricht" Aristoteles

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