engine machinists in the Mainz/Rüsselsheim area?

  • Ok Guys need a little help.

    looking at having a little work doing on the block when i pull the engine.

    need someone who will be able to grind and drill and tap the mating surface to the gear box.

    thought i would ask here first before asking about some of the places near me.

    I know what i need doing just need to find somewhere that can do it.


  • Hi Nick,
    in case you don't find someone in your area...Borger Engineering Gernsheimer Str. 69, 64319 Pfungstadt 06157 808865
    They know a/series engines very well...
    Cheers Andy

    gruss andy
    Mini, you only get what you make of it!!!
    Erfahrung lässt sich nicht "downloaden"!!!!!!!

    "Der Gebildete treibt die Genauigkeit nicht weiter, als es der Natur der Sache entspricht" Aristoteles

  • not quite sure if they understood my request for part of the work which was a shame.

    but cleaning up the block and head surfaces they can do and we will see what the crank is like when i pull it out later.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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