An English HillClimb rebuild.
uhhh new parts!!!
Ob das Auto jemals fahren wird.?Gruss
Ist es schon
Ob das Auto jemals fahren wird.?Gruss
it has been driven. but on stripping the engine issues were found which meant the gearbox upgrade was not all that was needed. luckily i have the time to fix it at the moment.
luckily i have the time to fix it at the moment.
And obviously also the money and knowledge for all that good stuff and work!Did you notice how much time and money you‘ve spent into that car in the meanwhile? Just to know it......or better not...?
And obviously also the money and knowledge for all that good stuff and work!
Did you notice how much time and money you‘ve spent into that car in the meanwhile? Just to know it......or better not...?
lets say i have more knowledge now than i did when it put it together on a very limited budget 25 years ago. Money is only there thanks to some errors by UK backs in the 8=s meaning they had to give me back money i gave them with interest. and then a few years living like a student, and you plan to upgrade the gearbox and brakes and then find the engine needs work. so then do you just do the same or just go all the way. and then you find something else you cheated on 25 years ago that means another Minispares order even when you are waiting on a delivery on the 15th... then there is finding places/people who can do the machining that you need. and then you find a part you ordered does not quite do want you need so you have to do something different and that means more money.
How much i can not say as most of the work was "free" that is to say done by me or with help by friends when first built.
and finally there are the last things. new FIA race suit and new slicks when you see me buying those then you know the car is ready to race. i was planning for this year but it will not be due to the virus but 2021 may be. but it should be "ready" for any Mini events later on this year. i am hoping to be done this month with just about everything. and hope to be back at work full time in May but lets see.
so what has been happening.
lots of thinking about towing eyes and under body panels. (as the brace bars have changed).
the tow eye should not stop the front end being removed and i need to redo the flat floor. the problem was that they were mixed together.
made a decision on the tow eye just need to add some reinforcement around the stabiliser bracket as i will be using it.
so the tow eye. the yellow thing.
will add some reinforcement across the front and support the stabiliser at its other end. -
been busy working of stuff under the car and rebuilding the gearbox a few time fitting the fire nozzles in the passenger compartment. running the new brake like to the front and through the bulkhead.
lots done not much to show.
i had forgotten some parts and i have been waiting on others.
also have an issue i did not think about. cant use one of the lower stabiliser bars with the MED pinion support found some inserts that i could machine down and weld onto a bracket but the bolts would be that long... nah.
so some oil and some stabilisers to play with.
nope threads are wrong
right threaded ones on the way.needs to get on the jig and welded up.
well after spending that money on the KAD brake master cylinders the old clutch one was not looking that good.
I've had the same problem but didn't come up with your solution. I just tried to bend everything in place.
Not sure if I want to redo the whole thing now, as all the gaskets are in now, with hylomar.
How far does your pipe stick into the mittle now on the bottom side? -
the pipe fitting is just the same i only adjusted the fit of the bracket.
so the two clutch MC studs were too short.
so lets swap them out
top tip for refitting the clevis pinsonto the stbilisers
and the rear of the rear mounttrying to fit washers to both sides of the "rose" joints on the brace bars was not really going to work so modified to Rocker cover nuts to use as "spacer" nuts
made up a mount for the resivoirs just need to finalize the hose routing.
still waiting on having the machining work finished.
should be ready to collect this week after a small issue was discovered. -
The "special fork tool" for the master caliper pin is ingenious!
Andreas -
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