An English HillClimb rebuild.

  • needed a front wiper.

    mmm corsa a and B rear wiper motors.


    needs a cut out


    Modify (cut and weld) arm with Mini wiper

    that will do

    oh better add a splash plate

  • next job was re doing the coil over mounts as i have never really been happy with the currently available ones i had fitted. so i dug out the old Proto ones from Huddersfield Mini spares as he was back then.
    here are the current ones.

    and the old proto ones

    had these turned up


  • today was doing wiring wile watching some Macgyver

    and some cooling

    i cant get used to this heat.
    so i sorted a second starter switch

    and added wires for the wiper so that it will park and i hope soon have a single wipe.
    but most of today was unwrapping wires and re-wrapping them and unwrapping then when you remember that you forgot a wire that needs to be there.

  • Hey Nicklouse.
    Nice pics from a good project. Respect.

    One question. Are you sure your grooved and drilled brake discs are mounted the right way. I've seen them often mounted the opposite direction.

    CU ;)

    Der BlechBernd

  • Hey Nicklouse.
    Nice pics from a good project. Respect.

    One question. Are you sure your grooved and drilled brake discs are mounted the right way. I've seen them often mounted the opposite direction.

    CU ;)

    good question and i could understand your confusion. yes these are fitted the correct way around. But you will see other brakes with groves or holes machined the other way. it all comes down to the makers and the use and even the year that they were made.

  • so what was this for.

    not through enough need a plug. mmmm VW T4 sump plug

    will work as a drain plug.


    wired up

    so there is a thermo switch on the cold side of the radiator and a switch in the car for manual override.

    now to find some 50mm ducting.

  • Zitat

    unfortunately the tap was undersized.
    this should have been 14mm

    Just for info:

    The undercutted tap was for pre-cutting by hand. It's signed with one groove at the top. And there should be usually a set of 3 tools...
    The other tool is for using in a machine and so it's a all in one tool. By hand it could need a lot of power and sweat :wink:

    So you can pre-cut with the small one (better centering) and afterwards with the other one.

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von J&A (15. Juni 2018 um 09:57)

  • Just for info:

    The undercutted tap was for pre-cutting by hand. It's signed with one groove at the top. And there should be usually a set of 3 tools...
    The other tool is for using in a machine and so it's a all in one tool. By hand it could need a lot of power and sweat :wink:

    So you can pre-cut with the small one (better centering) and afterwards with the other one.

    thanks, this is kinda what i guessed after. but it was not the info i got from the info in the advert. some ways this will be be relating to what i was expecting through experience and poor technical German ;) i was expecting a Taper tap. would finish at full thread size.

    door mirrors finished off

    for now.

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