• nur um falsche hoffnungen im keim zu ersticken...
    zitat aus John Parnells Buch "Original MINI Cooper and Cooper S": Compared with other more common 1275cc engines, the Cooper S unit in MK III form can still be identified by virtue of the extra stud and bolt for the cylinder head, the TAPPET CHEST COVERS and the duplex timing chain......

    so wie das auf dem letzten bild aussieht, sind auch keine s pleul montiert, sondern innocenti...

    gruss andy

    gruss andy
    Mini, you only get what you make of it!!!
    Erfahrung lässt sich nicht "downloaden"!!!!!!!

    "Der Gebildete treibt die Genauigkeit nicht weiter, als es der Natur der Sache entspricht" Aristoteles

  • HI!
    Also hab leider keine weiteren Nummern mehr (Kurbelwelle ...), werd diese erst Montag in einer Woche posten können, da ich dann den Motor wieder sehe.:eek:
    Aber ich denk auch es sieht auch eher noch Inno Motor aus, stimmt mich aber um nix schlechter als wenn es ein Cooper Motor wäre.

    ...nicht die Großen fressen die Kleinen, sondern die Schnellen die Langsamen.

  • Hallo Deutsche Minifreunden,

    bin neu hier, und Hollander. Fahre jetzt noch clubman 850-er, aber wird bald 1275-er. Frage auch mal, habe auch 12G1279 auf mein block stehen, das mustet doch noch ein A motor sein, und kein A+

    Grusse Mark

  • Bei den 1000 und 1300 Cooperblöcken ist der Benzinpumpenantrieb zugegossen,Deckel haben die GT und Innocoopermotoren.
    Gruss Tom

  • 850cc

    8A Austin up to 25000

    8MB Morris up to 25000

    8AM Austin & Morris 25000 onwards

    8AH Austin & Morris Automatic

    8AJ Austin & Morris closed circuit breathing

    8AK Austin & Morris automatic with closed circuit breathing

    8WR Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf

    8AC Moke

    85H/101 All variants 1969 onwards

    Note: third suffix letter denotes compression type, L = Low, H = High, e.g. 8AM/U/H101 denotes high compression.


    9WR Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk2, pre closed circuit breathing

    9AD Austin, Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk2 with remote type gearbox and closed

    circuit breathing

    9AE Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf Mk3

    99H/-/101 on Wolseley, Riley, Mini 1000, Clubman1000 1970 onwards and Mk3 with dished


    99H/791 Mini 1974 onwards with dished piston

    99H/997 1980 onwards A+ block, flat top psitons, economy fitment with 2.95 final drive

    99H/A97P A+ block with dished pistons, pre-A+ gears, 3.44 final drive & 12-inch wheels

    998 A+ block with centre locating tang in main cap, 1985 onwards

    Flat top piston with circlip wrist pin retention

    99H/B81 Up to engine number 127431

    99H/C20 Up to engine number 105023

    99H/997 From engine number 127422 with 2.95 final drive


    Flat top piston with press fit wrist pin

    99H/B81 From engine number 127432

    99H/C20 From engine number 105024


    Flat top pistons with press fit wrist pins, Lead-free cylinder head

    99H/G30 or G32 or G33

    99H/F15 or F16

    99H/E20 or E21



    Dished pistons with circlip wrist pin retention

    99H/B83P Up to engine number 102908

    99H/B84P Up to engine number 100216

    Dished pistons with press fit wrist pin

    99H/B83P From engine number 102909

    99H/B84P From engine number 100217

    Dished pistons with press fit wrist pin, Lead-free




    1100cc (1098cc)

    10AMW/Ta Clubman Estate and Austin 110 (ADO16 shape)

    10H791 Clubman saloon

    10H/-/H All Austin 1100 2 & 4 door derivative Saloons (ADO16 shape)

    10GR/Ta/H MG1100 (ADO16 shape)

    10GRB/Ta/H MG1100 & Wolseley 1100 (ADO16)

    10V/Ta/H Vanden Plas 1100 (ADO16 shape)

    997 Cooper

    9F/Sa/H101 to 2637 except 19201 to 20410 (became 1070S)

    998 Cooper January 1964 onwards)

    9FA/Sa/H Mk1 Austin pre closed circuit breathing

    9FD/Sa/H Mk1 Morris up to engine number 1934, all Austin Mk2 closed circuit breathing and

    Morris Mk2 from engine number 1935-33660 with closed circuit breathing

    9FD/Xe/H 4 syncro gearbox introduced

    99/-/H Last of manufacture 1969

    Cooper S variants


    9F/Sa/X Engine numbers 29001-29003 with Tecalamit filter

    9FD/Sa/X Closed circuit breathing introduced with Tecalamit filter

    9FE/Sa/X Closed circuit breathing, oil filter with oil light switch introduced

    9F/Sa/X Engine numbers 29039-30029 Purolator oil filter with oil light switch and closed

    circuit breathing


    9F/Sa/H Engine numbers 26501 to 33660 and 19201 to 20410

    9FD/Sa/H Engine numbers 33661 to 33948 with closed circuit breathing and oil light switch in

    oil filter head


    9F/Sa/Y Engine numbers 31001 to 31504 pre closed circuit breathing with Purolator oil filter

    9FD/Sa/Y Closed circuit breathing with oil light switch on filter housing after engine number


    9FE/Sa/Y Closed circuit breathing with oil light switch on Purolator filter housing and piston

    design change

    9F/Sa/Y From engine number 32378 onwards, cosed circuit breathing with Purolator filter

    with oil light switch, Aeg510 camshaft introduced at engine number 40006, cross-

    drilled EN40Bcrank at engine number 42730 and metal dipstick tube at engine

    number 42548 onwards

    12H397 Cooper S Mk3 with dynamo, negative earth and Tuiftrided EN16T crankshaft

    12H398 Cooper S Mk3 with alternator, negative earth and Tuftrided EN16T crankshaft

    Note: Only Cooper S engines with prefix '9F' had EN40B forged steel, nitrided crankshafts. All other A-series engines had EN16T steel crankshafts which were only Tuftrided on Mk3 'S' and Austin 1300GT (ADO16) and were stamped 12G1683.

    1275cc, Solid wall block (no tappet chest covers)

    12G/Ta/H ADO17 shape Wolseley, Riley, MG & Vanden Plas fitted with S rods

    12H379 1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, electric fuel pump and remote type gearbox

    12H380 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, electric fuel pump and remote type gearbox

    12H389 1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump and remote type gearbox

    12H390 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump and remote type gearbox

    12H706 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mechanical fuel pump and rod changegearbox

    12H397 Cooper S Mk3 with dynamo and negative earth

    12H398 Cooper S Mk3 with alternator and negative earth

    12H/-/ 1275 Austin ADO16 & Allegro

    12H610/635 Innocenti Mini with duplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head

    12H719/832 Innocenti Mini with simplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head

    1978er 1000er Leyland
    1990er 1275 Cooper "Proud"
    1986er 1000er "Chelsea"
    1977er Clubman Estate "Clubby"
    1973er 1001er Innocenti "Verdi"
    1991er Cooper SPI "Charles"

  • leider kann ich´s nicht mehr löschen,sonst wär´s jetzt wieder weg!


    1978er 1000er Leyland
    1990er 1275 Cooper "Proud"
    1986er 1000er "Chelsea"
    1977er Clubman Estate "Clubby"
    1973er 1001er Innocenti "Verdi"
    1991er Cooper SPI "Charles"

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