Rare Beach Car Mini May Not Be Saved......

  • "A message from Greece yesterday evening with both good as bad news.
    A very happy new owner tells me he managed to buy the Beach Car I wrote about yesterday. That's the great bit.
    However, there is a sting in the tail, as he tells me: "Unfortunately I have bought the car as 'spare parts' and will not be able to register it for road use. Furthermore, this really hurts, in order to take it away from the scrap yard I have to cut the car in half (roof and floor). I am both happy to find it as furious at the system and the Greek laws for having to cut up a rare car."
    Now isn't that totally incredible? In fact, it is a great shame as this is such a historically valuable Mini, or derivative. When the car gets cut up in two it might never be the same again.

    Do let me know if you have a good idea to save this time machine from the flame cutter"


    Rare Beach Car Mini May Not Be Saved......., I have to cut the car in half (roof and floor):

    One-off Mini Jolly?:

    Beach Car:

  • "The Mini based Beach Car is a rare sight these days. I know of very few that survive in the world, one in sunny California, one in Canada, another in Monte Carlo and one in the UK. But these are all cars based on the ordinary Mini saloon.
    However, at least one Wolseley Hornet or Riley Elf was converted into a Beach Car too.
    Like the others, it was styled by BMC's Dick Burzi and got its approval by Alec Issigonis - that's him on the picture in the car.

    The Beach Car went into limited production in Longbridge and according to Peter Filby less then 20 were made in total. Nick Rogers, who is a bit of an expert on these rare little beasts believes there may have been even less then that. But however many there were, an extremely rare Hornet/Elf based one has just resurfaced in Greece. Could it be the same car that Issigonis was photographed in? "

  • If I would be the potentiell owner of the vehicle, I would leave a deposit with the proprietor of the scrapyard for storage.
    The next step would be to send an application for examption to the ministry of transport & traffic and a duplicate to the ministry of culture & arts.

    This should leave a good chance for success.

    Andreas Hohls

    Alle Beiträge verstehen sich als rein sachliche Aussage und tolerieren Meinungen und Vorlieben eines Jeden, auch wenn sie konträr entgegenstünden.

  • Considering the status of this particular model it has been worth the hazzle, I would say.

    Andreas Hohls

    Alle Beiträge verstehen sich als rein sachliche Aussage und tolerieren Meinungen und Vorlieben eines Jeden, auch wenn sie konträr entgegenstünden.

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