habe folgende Bub-Modelle doppelt und daher abzugeben...
1. Bub Mini Cooper S Police
2. Bub Van "Morris Garage"
Preis je 10 Euro + Versand (2,50 Euro), gerne auch Tausch gegen andere mini-Modelle...
Gruß Stefan
habe folgende Bub-Modelle doppelt und daher abzugeben...
1. Bub Mini Cooper S Police
2. Bub Van "Morris Garage"
Preis je 10 Euro + Versand (2,50 Euro), gerne auch Tausch gegen andere mini-Modelle...
Gruß Stefan
Want to swap for a 1:18 bini, Stefan ?
Now a serious offer: If you want to swap the 2 models for one unused/boxed 4GB mini usb-stick of choice (including ploice- and monte carlo version, just not the 50th anniversary model) , you've got yourself a deal Stefan.
We can swap at to the IMM in Switserland.
That's a real offer....
We can do our deal next year at the IMM.
You know how you can find me ? Search my CE
I'll find you don't worry. You'll just need to make a choice in advance, as I'll not be selling over there. Any of these
eccept for the full union jack version, since those are out of production.
By then the "75" rally car and the fire chief will be available too.
the rally car would be nice.....
okay see you there !
Don't forget the bub-modelle Stephan, I will find you there !
ok... they are already packed in our Puck.
Es hat geklapt :thumpsup:
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