Immer noch nichts angekommen.
Mini usb sticks..endlich :-)
Racing Green -
11. Juni 2009 um 22:31 -
Na, dann kann ich ja erstmal aufhören, unseren Wareneingang zu nerven...:D
und? schon was in belgien angekommen?
Also ich habe meinen vor einer Woche bekommen.... Bin sehr zufrieden.
I didn't send out any yet, you've got another source or are you just kidding
About the big delivery at my door, the tracking status is as follows:
"Estimated delivery Jul 17, 2009 by 12:00 PM
Assumes no delay to final delivery."
That's tomorrow ! Just have to make sure someone's at home.
or are you just kidding
Just wanted to see if anyone gets a heart attack...:D:D:DNils
Also ich habe gehört, dass die 2GB MINIs bei Limora vorrätig sind.
That sounds great, Bart.
Danke für die Info Classic10, hilft vielleicht denjenigen, die es nicht geschafft haben, über Bart zu bestellen.
Heute angekommen..
First impression: 1G, 2G, 4G and 8G were scrambled |:(
Second thought: putting together the gift packs..takes long time. One or 2 is okay but not a whole table LOL and take the mini's out of the bags and into the box. Don't think I'll be patient enough to do all these, would be insane really. So prepare to do it yourself guys
Uh, selten so schöne Fotos gesehen.
Well it seems I was patient enough to handle the gift packs, with big help from my girlfriend: the guys who'll meet me at the IMM, we will be camping on the "GO-4-IT field". Lots of Dutch mini's and probably just 2 Belgian mini's: a red MPI from my friend, and a red monte carlo (HXC-634) or white 1000 (YDK-666) from myself. Belgian plates, can't miss. Not sure which one it'll be. If you can't find me, ask Wouter with the grey minilimo, he knows me and will probably know where I'm camping.
That picture even look better than the (also fascinating) first ones. Great Job
Hope you haven't had too much to do with packing.
Bart: special thanks to your girlfriend.
my girlfriend would kill me... -
Slipped away from the packaging table..
That pic on the seat is only about half of the packages btw.
Those who were too late could order here:
Only 4G and 34 euro a piece (so nearly double)
@ bart......
i hope you can ship the Stick,s from all the orders bevor you are going to the IMM?
i, caaaaaaant wait
That's the plan, although it depends on when my boss sends me to Germany again, what happens allmost every week.
Bart: Very impressive pictures. Everybody gets an idea of what you did for all of us, Thank You very much again.
Hallo Racing Green,
Miniwilli hat mich an Dich verwiesen. Ich möchte auch so einen tollen Stick haben mit möglichst großem Speicher (ab 4GB) und in Schwarz/weiß oder nur schwarz.
Was muss ich tun um so einen zu bekommen und was kostet der?
Viele Grüße
Dein Postfach ist voll! -
Sie sind leider zu sp¨¨at, die bestellten sticks sind shon bei mir angekommen und werden morgen zum versand angeboten beim post in Deutschland.
Wieleicht kaufe ich sp¨¨ater noch welche aber nicht die ersten wochen.
Sounds great, that you're going to get them to the post tomorrow.
Jetzt mitmachen!
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