Zuordnung Zylinderkopf....

  • Auf folgender Seite steht: http://www.austin-rover.co.uk/index.htm?ado15ado50f.htm

    The engine capacity was 1071cc and the Downton developed cylinder head (12A185, and later AFG163) featured nimonic valves. The engine also featured a nitrided crankshaft, and all these performance goodies resulted in peak power of 70bhp

    und folgendes:
    The original 1275S cylinder head (the AFG163) was prone to *****ing between the valves, so the 12G940 employed smaller exhaust valves which cost around 2-3 bhp, although BMC continued to claim 76bhp in their publicity brochures. The 12G940 was an open chamber design like the 12G295 fitted to the 998cc Cooper/MG1100.

    Cooper S Kopf?


  • In Tuning the A-Series Engine steht was dazu:

    12A185, AFG163
    Brennraumvolumen 21.4 cc
    1.4 in Einlassventile
    1 5/32 in Auslass

    AFG 163
    early casting coded "yellow" AFG is later colour coded brown or blue.

    Scheint also wirklich ein "S" Kopf zu sein!

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