Portugiesische Minifreunde suchen eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit am 24.07.2007 in der Nordhälfte von Deutschland.
Sie sind pflegeleicht und brauchen nur Wasser und Heu!
Wer von euch kann helfen?
Ich bin dann leider schon zack und wech!
Meldet euch gerne bei mir über PN und krasskonkret direkt bei den Jungs:
My name´s Conde, and I am from Portugal.
I have been in all IMM´s sinde Italy, and i will drive to Imm denmark this year also.
I hope to get 10 MINIs to go with me from Portugal.
My club is http://www.clubemininos.com and I need your help.
On day 20 of July, we will start our trip. On day 21 july we will pass in frank house in france. After we will travel from Limoges (france) on day 23 and I hope to get hamburg on day 24. My question is: do you have any place to us to pass the night?? Can you arrange some nice time to us?? We have all the things to sleep in our camping tends. We dont have to much money, that´s the reason we prefere to stay in a mini fan house. If you have a garden will be excelent. And if you can, you can go with us to denmark on day 25. I think that in one day we will get roskild, dont you??
It will be a pleasure for us, if you can help us...
My number phone is 00351962814380 and please send me your mobil phone and I will call you back.
I will be waiting for you email back.
All the best from Portugal and me.
Email gibst auch bei mir