sprechen englisch?

  • Hi, and welcome to the mini-forum.

    As the others already told you, almost everybody should speak a little english.

    If someone doesn't, try french, russian, dutch, etc. :rolleyes: ;)

    At least, mini-drivers (almost) speak the same language anyway. :D

    Many greetings, see you at the Nürburgring,

    9 von 10 Stimmen in meinem Kopf sagen, ich bin verrückt.
    Die andere summt die Melodie von 'Tetris'.

  • Welcome! As the others already posted, I am quite sure almost everybody over here speaks and/or understands at least a little English (due to at least 3 years of English in school). I think its great to have a visitor from the Mini's homecountry.

    See you at Nuerburgring

    Sonnige Grüße

    Calaidos ;)

    "Ich bin nur der Koch!"

    Und hier gibts mehr von den Strolchen

    Hier von mir

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