please parttaking!!: Thankwriting for dutch MINISPORT-side

  • How do you mean das Dutsch ? Only i know the Krauts Päidsch ist funny .

    Am I underverstandning rightly ?

    Thank your many much and enjoy your orangesaft !


  • have you looked to deep in the glass so that you are a little bit drunken at the moment? :p :santa2:

    I agree with El Gazolino (what a crazy name) because he said: enjoy your orangesaft!



    Es ist gar nicht auszudenken, was unsere Gedanken aus uns zu machen imstande wären,
    wenn wir imstande wären, etwas aus ihnen zu machen. - Ernst Ferstl - :cool:

  • Manns, you know dont what her saying is.
    Her sayed only that the deutsch site one (opposite from many) other is like wee she expecte would.

    But i hope that of course this site will get have in the many few futurisity a shinning well formatet speak-machine out of much many misstakes.

    That was what i saying would.

    *Verkrümmel* :D

    A big loveling great to the mens of minimotorsport tu UK!
    Keep it real!!


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