Neuauflage von "High Speed Low Cost" von Allan Staniforth

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    Subject: Fwd: 40th Anniversary - High Speed Low Cost Book - Allan Staniforth

    >Dear Motorsport friends & colleagues, just to inform you that I have today
    >received the first batch of the Anniversary reprint of HSLC. Albeit
    >advertised on some of the big seller sites, I have yet to supply them with
    >copies. Retailers that have contacted me should revert with enquiries on
    >quantities & discount. Magazine editors will receive their review copies
    >in due course.
    >For those of you on this distribution list wishing to purchase a copy(s)
    >directly from the publisher details follow:
    >(PS: If you want Allan to autograph your copy I will endeavour to get this
    >done for you but there may be a slight delay as I will have to fit this in
    >with our forthcoming meeting.)
    >Please note: payment should be by cheque or postal order to Mr Robert
    >Macknay. Overseas purchasers should use bankers draft/cheque made out in
    >UK Pounds.
    >High Speed, Low Cost: The Story of a 140MPH Mini Engined Record Breaker
    >and How to Build it
    >Allan Staniforth (Illustrator)
    >Paperback 164 pages , 185 x 250 mm. Colour front cover laminated front and
    >Publisher: Robert Macknay; ISBN: 0954514009
    >Price £24.99 UKP
    >P&P - Europe £4.00UKP
    >P&P - World £7.00UKP
    >Insurance cover is Royal Mail standard (£28UKP for confirmed proof of
    >Postage & Package for multiple copies - discuss with publisher
    >R.Macknay Publisher HSLC
    >23 Ashtree Croft
    >South Wirral
    >CH64 2UJ
    >Kind regards
    >Robert Macknay
    >Tel: +44(0)151350 0347 Other Tel: 07866 406920

    Better times without money than times without Mini

  • wo kann ma des denn _online_ bestellen?... 140MPh sind?

    klingt ja ganz nett... hast es schon?

    Obwohl die Erde grösser ist, ist der Mond weiter entfernt.

  • 140 Miles per Hour und entsprechen etwa 224 KM/h (1 Mile = 1.6 KM).


  • also mehr Info`s :)

    Die Werkstattpessimisten(Halle/Leipzig/Torgau/Wernigerode)

    Erfahrung ist durch nichts zu ersetzen, ausser durch noch mehr Erfahrung


    This book is a compilation reprint of the 1969 & 1973 editions. Softbound with a new preface by Allan Staniforth & Publisher Robert Macknay.
    The book describes the construction of a single seater racing car that broke several world records in the 1960's & 1970's. Several of which still stand to this day.

    Gruß, Ide

    1978er 1000er Leyland
    1990er 1275 Cooper "Proud"
    1986er 1000er "Chelsea"
    1977er Clubman Estate "Clubby"
    1973er 1001er Innocenti "Verdi"
    1991er Cooper SPI "Charles"

  • Klaro, wird überall angeboten, soll ja auch wat bringen *gg*
    Damit kein Missverständnisse bzgl. 200 eppes kmh - MINI entsteht: Es handelt sich um Geschichte und Bauanleitung eines sehr berühmten Formel 3 - ähnlichen Gefährts mit MINI Motor. Abbildung des Buchtitels im Anhang.

    Hier ein Nachbau:

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